PADI RTO First Aid Student Manual
HLTAID003 - PROVIDE FIRST AID 33. For upper limb fractures it is most important to: (Select all that apply.) Splint the injury in the position found. Not try to straighten the fractured limb. Move the fracture to fit splint. Not splint upper limb fractures. 34. While treating a head injury you should note any change of consciousness. True False 35. The spinal cord is essential for life. True False 36. When treating minor skin injuries it is important to clean the wound and control bleeding. True False 37. Poisons maybe: Ingested Absorbed Inhaled All of the abovez STUDENT STATEMENT: My Trainer explained to me and I now understand any questions I had missed. Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________
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