PADI RTO First Aid Student Manual
Provide First Aid * IMPORTANT NOTE * If you have not previously completed the prerequsite units of competency HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life support (BLS), you first need to review the Knowledge Development portions of those programs and complete the related Knowledge Review questions. You find the information in the previous sections of this manual. Only then should you start studying this section. Introduction Welcome to your training program HLTAID003 Provide first aid (FA). Progressing on from the prerequisite two units of competency (CPR, BLS), this program will introduce you to: • Considerations when providing first aid • Basic anatomy and physiology • Principles and procedures for first aid management Considerations when providing first ai This section will introduce you to the two types of assessment you can perform while assessing a casualty’s condition. What is meant by visual and verbal assessment of a casualty? A visual assessment is when you carefully observe the casualty and note what you see, e.g. is the person conscious or have they just lost consciousness; note the time; check them for a medical alert bracelet or necklace and check if they have any medication in the their hands or in the vicinity. A verbal assessment is when you ask questions and note the answers. Ask the person their name, the year and if they know where they are. Introduce yourself, ask if they are experiencing any pain on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst the person ever felt. Ask the casualty if they know what happened, if they are experiencing any numbness or tingling in the hands, arms or legs or anywhere in the body; ask if they are experiencing nausea and also ask if they are taking any medication or have allergies to food or medication. Basic anatomy and physiology Considerations when providing first aid for specified conditions This section will introduce you to the skeletal and muscular systems and explain the key differences between tendons and ligaments and their relevance when providing first aid. The skeletal syst m What are three purposes of the skeletal system? The adult human body has more than 200 bones in an internal framework called the skeleton. Bones provide a rigid framework against which muscles can pull, give shape and structure to the body and support and protect delicate internal organs. Bones also store minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus that play vital roles in metabolic processes. In addition, the internal portions of many bones produce red blood cells and certain types of white blood cells. Cracked, broken and fractured bones and dislocations often require emergency care.
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