PADI RTO First Aid Student Manual
• • • what happened where it happened casualty’s complaint • observations; what can be seen or felt • vital signs • draw picture if unable describe • occupational first aider’s assessment of the problem from the facts obtained • method of dressing wounds •
Maintain first aid records in line with legislative requirements and workplace security practices It is vital that the occupational first aider fully documents all incidents where personnel seek advice or treatment relating to first aid and/or social problems The reasons for this are as follows: • Protection of the individual – progress of first aid management should be moni- tored and the facts surrounding a work injury/ illness stated immediately in case of ensuing controversy. • Protection of the company – accurate records give original facts; • Indication of patterns – provides data for the evaluation of illness/ injury trends. • Compliance with law – various Acts state that work injuries including death must be recorded by the employer. In certain instances where there has been a breach of safety regulations, immediate notification of the accident must be given to the relevant government department • The Workers’ Compensation Act states that in respect of a work injury or illness, the name and address of the injured person must be recorded with the date, place and cause of the incident in ordinary language. Requirements when documenting All documentation must be accurate and legible; • Record the facts as stated by the employee; • Do not write down opinions or hearsay Records must be written in ink and never erased. If a mistake has been made, cross out errors with a single line so that the original writing can still be read. Sign and date the correction and then add the correct record. All medical records must be kept strictly confidential: • Medical records should be stored in a locked cupboard and only the occupational first aider should have access to it; • Records must not be available to unauthorised personnel. Types of records The format of records varies from industry to industry, and company to company, depending on individual policy requirements and legislation. Personal record/casualty history card This record is strictly confidential and contains full details of all attendances to the first aid room. Personal details should be written on the top of the card and should include: name, date of birth, address, job, allergies and previous medical history. Recording should be precise and systematic for easy reference, making sure that only facts are recorded. Some companies have the worker’s pre-employment medical and audiometry records attached to the history card.
On examination
medications referral continuing management
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Follow up recommendations Daily attendance register This is a summary of all workers seen during each shift and contains information shown below. This is an excellent record for logistical and statistical information. Each entry should be signed by the first aider. Date Time Name DOB Type of injury/ illness Management Work injury Non-work injury Referred to Lost time Send relevant documents to appropriate bodies in line with workplace and legislative requirements Injury report The injury report is a full account of an accident as related by the casualty. It should contain the information in Figure 11 to satisfy statutory information. Each entry should be signed by the first aider. A copy of this report should go to the supervisor and safety officer. Injury statistics Statistics are a summary of injuries and illness occurring in a workplace at a given time. The data is extremely useful in detecting trends. They should be employed in a safety program to: Prevent/reduce accidents; • Determine the success of safety measures. • Statistics would show: • Number of work injuries; • Number of work rechecks; • Part of body affected; • Type of injury; • Cause of injury; • Total injures; • Total lost time.
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